Silhouettes of Time

I would like to tell the stories of the sacrifice and struggle of my family based on the historical fact for their country, with determination. It is very intense when it comes to individual family history and their survival, which will an example to people around the world and to the next generation.

Silhouettes of Time
( French Edition)

La poète et écrivain courte Maya Mitra Das est née en Inde et est arrivée aux États-Unis en 1973. Elle a étudié la médecine interne et la pédiatrie en Inde, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis, ce qui lui a valu son M.D. et Phd.D. Elle a reçu sa formation au Downstate Medical Center et au State University Hospital de Brooklyn, New York.

Silhouettes of Time

I would like to tell the stories of the sacrifice and struggle of my family based on the historical fact for their country, with determination. It is very intense when it comes to individual family history and their survival, which will an example to people around the world and to the next generation.

Maya Mitra Das

Silhouettes of Time